Parent Teacher Meetings

Parent teacher meetings will take place in St Mary's Primary School on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th of October.
Meetings will take place in the Sports Hall.
You can book a slot with your child/children's teacher by clicking the class link below.
Appointments are registered as a first come, first serve basis.
If you have multiple children attending the school, you will need to register appointments for each of children's teachers.
Separate class links are below.
Mrs Martin - Primary 1 and 2 Parent Teacher Meetings
Mrs Hughes - Primary 3 and 4 Parent Teacher Meetings
Miss Mackle - Primary 5 and 6 Parent Teacher Meetings
If you have any difficulty registering for a meeting, please contact school.
Thank you!
School Information
The most recent inspection cemented St. Mary's position as a school that provides quality educational experiences for all its children in a happy, caring and stimulating environment.
The school was commended in its Inspection for the very positive, inclusive ethos, the orderly learning environment and the excellent behaviour of the children and the positive relationships that exist in the school at all levels. Particular reference was made by the Inspectorate to "the very good oral and written communication (between school and home), the comprehensive information about key policies such as pastoral care and child protection and the high levels of support provided for the children".
The Inspectorate reported that parents indicated high levels of satisfaction with provision in the school and with all aspects of school life. Inspectors also reported that the pupils spoke enthusiastically about the teachers, the healthy break routines, the wide range of after school activities, the strong links established within the local area and the support systems available to them in school.
These are things that we as a school value and take great pride in. As a school community, we are proud of our success to date and are pleased with the strengths which the Inspection recognised. All who work in and support the school have the shared commitment and passion to continuously strive for even more.
Literacy Support for Parents

St. Mary's Primary School, 16 Lisnagowan Rd, Carland,Dungannon, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland BT70 3LH Phone: 028 8776 1515 | Email: